Vulvoscopy/Vaginoscopy/Anoscopy & Biopsy/Excision

Occasionally, we will be asked to assess for problems on the vulva, vagina or around the anus. HPV can infect all these areas and cause precancers and cancers, although this is much rarer than cervical precancer and cancer. The colposcope can also be used to assess these, and there may be the necessity to biopsy or remove the abnormal area to assess its nature.

Biopsies of the vulva and around the anus will always require local anaesthesia and may require a few dissolvable stitches to bring the skin together. We will usually prescribe painkillers and an antibiotic ointment to apply to the area afterwards.

Genital warts, while not precancerous, are often bothersome and can also be cauterised using liquid nitrogen or electrical cautery in the colposcopy unit.

Results and reports will be provided within a week.